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Making Things Alive Webinar Series: Webinar 2-Smart Labels - When Chips Everywhere Begin to Sense and Visually Communicate

RFID technology yields much more than just straight automated identification. It is also a versatile technology platform for a variety of different sensing needs, e.g. for cold chain monitoring. Join us in learning about this value-adding RFID market, solutions spearheaded by Identiv, and how it ties with unique electrochromic display technology from Ynvisible. The webinar will include talks from RFIDJournal, Identiv, and Ynvisible. The webinar begins with respected journalist Claire Swedberg, who is covering RFID and printing markets for leading industry magazines.


Host: Tommy Höglund, VP Sales & Marketing, Ynvisible

Speakers in order of talks:

  • Claire Swedberg, RFID News Reporter
  • Vera Mauerberger, Product Manager Transponders at Identiv Gmb
  • Samuli Strömberg, Business Development Director at Ynvisible 

Click to watch recording of this webinar

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